aka “Chris Gets On His High Horse”

Recently, several people have been telling me that people are going to my journal and talking about it. They ask things like, “Well, isn’t that an invasion of your privacy?” and “People go to it, why do you have it available to the public?”

One word: Honesty.

If you’re an avid reader of this tome, you may have come to realize that I don’t really spare anyone, unless I want to (which isn’t often). I don’t do this for spite necessarily, but because this is the most honest (I’ll agree that that’s arguable) way I can express my little view of the world.

I’ve said this many times, and I’ll continue to say it many more until after I’m blue in the face: If people come to this site and like or don’t like what they read, I really don’t care. My intention is not to get a rise out of people just because I can, but to express myself in a way that is comfortable FOR ME. Not comfortable for you to read it? OK, then don’t read it. Sickened at the idea? OK, then don’t start one of your own. No one’s asking you to, by any means.

Bottom line: As long as I continue this little expository, I will say things as I feel they need to be said, and nothing less. Your opinion means nothing.