Well, like the title infers (or spells out plainly), it was another Monday.

I never did get the chance to talk to Sharon, or if I did, I avoided it. A strange thing happened after 4th hour today, though. I was standing with Sharon and Matt came up and they started talking, which soon became mud-slinging. Things got very hostile, and after Matt left angry, I asked Sharon why she acted that way. She said that she didn’t intend for things to happen that way. I told her that I knew they were both still in love with each other, which she denied, of course.

After Sharon went home, I talked to Matt and he was sufficiently pissed off at her. Oh God, I’m getting pretty sick of this. I’ve never liked being in the middle of things, especially things I had nothing to do with in the first place.

Before this goes any further, I’m gonna need some answers. I have to talk to Sharon tomorrow …