It feels as if I’m alone in the world now. My supposed best friend Erik doesnt care. It happens to the best of us. But I deserve everything I’m getting. The ones that rely on me in their hour of need are nowhere to be found. I don’t know what to do. I hate myself so much right now. I can’t take this much longer. And theres only one person that truly cares and will always care: Mike. He said we will always be friends. But I know that, just as the events earlier with us, it won’t be the same after this. I’m trying to accept that I’ve lost Amy for good. But that doesnt make things any easier, no matter how hard I try. I promised Mike that I would never hurt her. I promised her. And now, no one trusts me. Even Shauna hates me. But they’re right to feel the way they do. How could I have hurt somebody I care about as much as I do Amy? Wait. Screw that. Who am I kidding? I Love Amy. I didnt want to say that, but it’s been said. I’ve never cared for anybody as much as I do Amy. That includes Cathy, Lindsey, everyone. Like I told her, maybe that’s why it hurts so much …